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1 product

  • ageless peeling 50 ml

    Oolabooshop ageless peeling 50 ml

    Delivery within 48 hours, pay afterwards  Mid weeks
    Monday to friday we offer next day delivery if the product is on stock and exceptions on holidays.

    We offer no deliveries in the weekends.

    Depending on where you’re located, we offer next day delivery. Check your status on this link

    This anti-aging peeling visibly reduces wrinkles and lines and ensures an enormous improvement of the skin. Extract from sugar cane, sugar beet, pineapple and melon, effectively remove the keratinized cells from the skin and stimulate oxygenation, stimulating the skin to make new cells. Provides a visible reduction in wrinkles and an even and smooth (surface) skin. The skin feels clear and smooth and the skin texture is visibly better because keratinized skin cells are effectively removed. Strengthens the vitality of the skin. This is a demonstration store, you can buy articles like this at oolabooshop.com

    Delivery within 48 hours, pay afterwards  Mid weeks
    Monday to friday we offer next day delivery if the product is on stock and exceptions on holidays.

    We offer no deliveries in the weekends.

    Depending on where you’re located, we offer next day delivery. Check your status on this link


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